Thinkplus 的能力每大一點,便能幫助你多一點。所以,Thinkplus 的團隊組合自許多不同的單位,攝影、製作、傳媒、音樂等,務求能為你提供更全面而多元化的服務。
The stronger Thinkplus could be, the more effectively our help would be. Therefore, Thinkplus is grouped and supported by a range of interesting and talented people - photographers, producers, media savvy, musicians...etc, to give you a comprehensive service experience.
Services include:
think +
conceptualization of creative idea 概念具體化
think + production
promotional video 宣傳短片
training or coaching video 影片教材
tv commercial 電視廣告
storyboard development and casting 試鏡
shooting 拍攝
sound and music editing 音效及錄音
script writing 擬稿
post-production 後期製作
think + PR
media training 傳媒應對技巧培訓
think + stock
our stock photos, footages 我們的相片及影片資源庫。
think + music
live performance 現場音樂表演
song & lyric writing 曲詞創作
music composition 音樂創作
jingle writing 廣告音樂
music production 音樂製作